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CV & Exhibitions |
Italiano |
VÉNERA KASTRATI Born in Tirana, Albania in 1975 Lives and works in Milan, Italy |
1998-2004 | Brera Academy of Fine Arts, Milan, Italy / graduate in Visual Arts |
1993-1997 | National Academy of Fine Arts in Tirana, Albania / gratuate in Painting & Graphics |
2008 | PivArte Gallery, Bologna “The woman produces the man. The man will kill her” curated by Maria V. Berti |
2007 | Federico Bianchi Contemporary Art Gallery, Gorgonzola/Milan “Mirupafshim, Shadows of Voices” curated by Noah Stolz |
2004 | Art Fair Bologna 2004, included in the event "The Balkans - a Crossroad to the future" with the project "Appointments in the dark" curated by Harald Szeemann |
2000 | Studio Paint Factory, Pistoia " Regeneration in conditions of not life" curated by Marco Bazzini |
1999 | Spazio Umano, Milan "I heard her voice on the telephone, Kosovo ‘99” curated by Enrico.R. Comi |
2009 | 25th Alexandria Biennial for Mediterranean countries, EGYPT "Aftermath" curated by Mohamed Abouelnaga |
"Muslim Mulliqi Prize 2009" The Kosova Art Gallery, Prishtina “Calling All the Stations” curated by Michele Robecchi and Gazmend Ejupi |
53. Venice Biennial " Krossing" in Forte Marghera, Venezia ME | |
"Fuori SALONE Milano, Design itineraries" Art Agency "ZAPPING, ready to play" | |
Palazzo Rospigliosi, Roma "Mediterranean" in "The Road to contemporary Art" curated by Elena Lydia Scipioni | |
Palazzo Venezia, Roma "Stargate" in "The Road to contemporary Art" Federico Bianchi Contempoary Art Gallery |
2008 |
Premio Terna, Piazza del Campidoglio, Roma |
Milan Art Fair, MiArt 2008 "Federico Bianchi Contempoary Art Gallery" | |
2006 | Art Fair Bologna 2006 “Photology Gallery" |
Palazzo della Penna, Perugia “Sound & Vision” curated by Luca Beatrice | |
National Museum of Tirana, Albania "Onufri 2006” curated by Rubens Shima | |
Museum of Modern Art, Ascona, Switzerland “Chère Louise” curated by Martin Kunz | |
2005 | Art Fair Bologna 2005 “Photology Gallery" |
Artandgallery, Milan “Paura” curated by Manuela Gandini | |
2004 | Milan Art Fair, MiArt 2004 "Photology Gallery" |
National Museum of Art, Tirana, Albania “Colors of Albania” | |
DiArt, Seminario Vescovile di Trapani, Contemporary Art Permanent Collection | |
2003 | ESSL Collection, Klosterneuburg/Wien/ Austria "Blood & Honey, Future's in the Balkans" curated by Harald Szeemann |
2001 | Chiostro dei Glicini, Milan "The color of the earth" curated by A. d'Avossa |
Domaine de Kerguehennec, Center of Contemporary Art, Bretagne, France | |
2000 | Grenoble Academy Museum , France "Eclipse" curated by Gianni Motti & F. Perrin |
Vecchio Ospedale Soave, Codogno, Lodi "N.U.N.C." curated by A. d’Avossa | |
Museo della Permanente, Milan "Salon" curated by F. de Filippi | |
Palazzo Farnese, Museum of Contemporary Art, Ortona "We love Italy, Italy loves us" curated by Edi Muka | |
Studio Casoli, Milan "Glocal" curated by D. Esposito | |
XXL Gallery, Sofia, Bulgaria "Glocal" curated by D. Esposito | |
1999 | Palazzo Guasco, Alessandria "I Heard Her Voice On The Telephone, Kosovo, March 28-th 99" (Histories of each kind), curated by Francesca Pasini |
Milan & Rome Academy, Colonnella, Teramo, curated by D.Guzzi and B.Drudi | |
National Museum of Tirana, Albania "Onufri '99" |
2008 |
Shqip Newspaper, Mirupafshim jo Lamtumire” article written by A.Bardhyli, 6 august 2008 |
Corriere della Sera "MiArt, Lights and Shadows" 2/04/2008, pag 15 |
Repubblica "MiArt, advices for purchases" 3/04/ 2008, culture pag |
Osservatorio Balcani “The world of Vénera” interview written by M.Rukaj, may 2008 |
L'Albanese d'Italia, monthly magazine “The shadows of Vénera” interview written by M.Rukaj, may 2008 | |
AlbanianNews "The woman produces the man, he will kill her" interview written by E.Demo, may 28th 2008 | |
Shekulli newspaper "The woman produces the man, he will kill her" interview written by E.Demo, march 27th 2008 | |
2007 |
Tecnemedia Art Magazine “Mirupafshim, shadows of voices” article written by V.Pirola may 30-th 2007 |
Tema Celeste 121, may-june 2007 | |
2006 |
Speciali di Kalporz "A shadow symphony" article written by A.Califano 5/9/2006 |
Vogue, Febbraio 2006, pag 122 |
2004 | Ars Sutoria "The shoes: a choice of identity" [pag] 136-137 article written by Enrico Martinelli |
Ars Sutoria 316 "The surrealistics shoes" [pag] 216-219 article written by Enrico Martinelli | |
2003 | Il Sole-24 Ore "Trip in the hell of the Bal-kan" review written by Manuela Gandini, Sunday, May 18th, 2003 |
2000 | Flash Art "To Tirana for Onufri" review written by G.Politi, (february- March) 2000 |
Interview "People on the moves" article written by G. Politi (January - February 2000) | |
Flash Art International "To Tirana for Onufri" article written by G. Politi (march-april 2000) | |
1999 | Flash Art "More women than men" Dictionary of the italian artists, article written by F. Pasini (Estate'99) |
BIBLIOGRAPHY (selected) |
2008 |
Terna Prize for contemporary art, Silvana Edition pag 170-171 |
2007 |
Fresh Eyes, auction catalogue, ING & Parker Harris Edition
2006 |
Sound & Vision, Damiani Edition, pag 248 |
Onufri 2006 |
2005 |
Art Fair Bologna 2005 |
2004 |
The balcans, a crossroad to the future, Compositori IND. Grafiche Group, Arte Fiera Bologna Edition, pag 32-33 |
MiArt 2004 |
Colours of Albania, Print Mali Pleshti Edition |
Diart, Contemporary art collection, Liber Artis edition, pag 62 |
2003 |
Blood & Honey, Futures is in Balcans, Edition Sammlung Essl, pag 18-28-254-255 |
2001 |
Duplex. Dall'identico al molteplice, Litografia Brandolini Sambuceto (Ch) |
Le Domaine de Kerguehennec, Center of Contemporary Art Bretagne |
Autoritratti in viaggio, Punto di Ricerca |
2000 |
Eclipse, Grenoble Academy Museum |
N.U.N.C. |
Salon I°, Quality Edition, pag 25 |
We love Italy, Italy loves us, Giancarlo Politi Editor, pag 16-17 |
1999 |
Milan Rome Academy, Grafiche Martintype di Colonnella (TE) pag 100 |
1996 |
Motivation Albania, The Miresia Handbook, Illustrations |
1995 |
Building Open Societies, Soros Foundations 1995 Report, pag 45 |
2007 |
Cover, artwork & foto of the Album "Father" Boogey Man Orchestra (Audiodream records) |
2006 |
Cover, artwork & foto of the Album “I Knew Jeffrey Lee” Circo Fantasma (Lain records) |
2001 |
Cover & foto of the Album “Ad un passo dal vuoto ” Circo Fantasma (Edel records) |
1999 |
Cover of the Album “Tempi Migliori ” Circo Fantasma (BMG records) |
2004 |
DiArt, Contemporary Art Permanent Collection, Seminario Vescovile di Trapani |
2007 | “Fresh eyes in Formula 1“ artist residency organised by ING group & Parker Harris, London GB |
2001 | Le Domaine de Kerguehennec, Center of Contemporary Art Bretagne, France |
1995 | Ecole Cantonale D'Art de Lausanne, Switzerland |